Panjab University Constitutent College is a co-educational college in Patto Hira Singh, Nihal Singh Wala (Moga). It was founded in 2011 when the UGC in 2006, initiated an ambitious project of setting up model degree colleges in 374 educationally backward districts (EDBs) across the country. The Punjab and Central government mutually contributed in this project and handed over the administration of these colleges to the Panjab University, Chandigarh. It stands as one of the most prestigious educational institutions of the region. It endeavors to cater to the needs of the most vital section of society (Rural Section). It is located 6 km away from Nihal Singh Wala in lush green rural background. It has been nurturing and nourishing young minds in the field of education since its establishment.
The mission of our college is to foster all-round development of students through multi- faceted education and sustained engagement with local and national communities. It prioritizes the comprehensive grooming of students. Each student is ensured the essential personalized attention and care Many students of the College have brought laurels to the College by their achievements. The college has always produced excellent results in Panjab University exams. The College emphasizes upon the rich culture of our country and the students are motivated to adopt moral and social values. We work to achieve these broad objectives.
The College offers various courses at undergraduate and post graduate level. It now caters to three streams i.e. Humanities, Commerce and computer Science. Keeping in view the current scenario, we have B.A, B.Com, B.C.A and PGDCA. A highly qualified and experiencd staff committed to the task of enriching the students with knowledge and help them in being good citizens to face the global challenges in life.
We assure you of the best possible guidance and utmost co-operation from this institution.
"Education is shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectation"
Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )
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